North Dakota Chamber of Commerce
The North Dakota Chamber of Commerce is committed to improving the state’s economic and business climate. We are proud to provide programs and services to assist North Dakota businesses. Today, nearly 1,100 businesses are partners in the state chamber of commerce. We continually strive to enhance North Dakota’s business environment and support public policy initiatives and state and federal legislation that is pro-business.

The Greater North Dakota Association was founded in 1924. A year later, the North Dakota Automobile Association merged with GNDA. The combined organization set out to attract tourists and settlers. They made plans to improve the state's highways and establish a national park in the Badlands. They also worked to promote agriculture.

In 2004, GNDA changed their name to the Greater North Dakota Chamber of Commerce. The change was made to eliminate the confusion for those unaware that the organization is the state chamber of commerce. This name more accurately reflects what the organization is.